BetFred pay out on Curley Bets

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“Pact of silence” follows negotiated settlement”

Readers will recall a major row between Newmarket trainer Barney Curley and Betfred that emerged over the bookmaker’s refusal to pay out GBP 823 000 on bets placed by the Curley family in an unprecedented GBP 4 million betting coup towards the middle of last year (see previous InfoPowa reports).

In a turn of events this week, an investigation undertaken by the Gibraltar Gambling Commission has been closed and Petfre (Gibraltar) Limited trading as Betfred has paid out on the disputed bets, a statement from the authority revealed.

“The detailed investigations concerning betting activities of the 10 May 2010 (which were widely reported in the UK media) have now been concluded by the Gibraltar Gambling Commissioner, who has decided to pursue the matter no further.

Following conclusion of the investigation the operators have paid the bets as for them this was never a dispute about money. The operators have acted appropriately at all times, operating under the regulatory supervision of its regulator the Gambling Commissioner.

The Judicial Review instigated by the five named Claimants against the Gambling Commissioner has been discontinued.

The Government of Gibraltar and Gambling Commissioner are grateful to the operators for their full co-operation throughout.

Barney Curley joins with the Claimants and Petfre (Gibraltar) Limited in expressing satisfaction that this matter between the account holders and the Gibraltar online bookmaker has been satisfactorily resolved.”

Curiously a “pact of silence” on any further statements on the case has been undertaken by all parties involved.